很潮的 Tessel

這個夢寐以求的版子,終於狠下心進口了!只是這小玩意兒的身世有點可憐,竟然被郵差送錯地方...而那個人也很奇怪,東西不是自己的也收下來了!還拆封!!!到底是為什麼敢拆不是自己的東西!!驗收到凌晨 4 點...好險東西都正常。

先下載 Tessel lib

npm install -g tessel

要更新 Tessel lib 否則會無法執行

$ tessel update
TESSEL! Connected to TM-00-04-f000da30-00544741-1ca82586.
INFO Checking for latest firmware...
INFO Wifi version is also outdated.
INFO Downloading remote file https://builds.tessel.io/wifi/1.28.bin
INFO Wifi patch uploaded... waiting for it to apply (10s)
INFO ...
INFO ...
INFO ...
INFO ...
INFO ...
INFO ...
INFO Downloading remote file https://builds.tessel.io/firmware/tessel-firmware-current.bin
INFO Updating firmware... please wait. Tessel will reset itself after the update
INFO Complete  1175988 /1175988


// blinky.js

// Import the interface to Tessel hardware
var tessel = require("tessel");

// Set the led pins as outputs with initial states
// Truthy initial state sets the pin high
// Falsy sets it low.
var led1 = tessel.led[0].output(1);
var led2 = tessel.led[1].output(0);

setInterval(function () {
  console.log("I'm blinking! (Press CTRL + C to stop)");
  // Toggle the led states
}, 100);


$ tessel run blinky.js
TESSEL! Connected to TM-00-04-f000da30-00544741-1ca82586.
INFO Bundling directory /Users/alan/Documents/tessel-code
INFO Deploying bundle (4.50 KB)...
INFO Running script...
I'm blinking! (Press CTRL + C to stop)

Tessel 真的不錯,除了程式語言可以用比較熟悉的 Javascript,Module 也用npm管理,很順暢。整個在水準之上,看得出來團隊很用心的在開發,而我也預購了 Tessel 2 的新版子,因為我覺得非常棒。

Apr 18th, 2015 3:49:59am

Last updated