Install Phabricator and run on the Gitlab

最近跑的專案都是四個人以上同時開發,有時候程式碼被改了,Pull 下來改完衝突,發現程式碼都會錯亂。排除每個人對 Git 熟練度,我覺得 Gitlab 對於 Review code 做的似乎不是很友善。Scrum在跑的時候碰到這類型的問題,每次要解決都要花不少時間。

在某一次尋找 Git 相關教學的時候發現了一個蠻冷門的東西Phabricator,當初看到這套的時候第一印象就覺得這也是版本控制,所以加入最愛後就沒再理他,當碰到最近的問題,才想到我似乎在哪裡有看到這種問題的 Solution。

這一套 Phabricator 是 Facebook 釋出的 Open Source,Facebook 也是為了解決 Code Review, Track Bugs, Browse Source...等等這些問題才會開發這一套系統。



要使用 Phabricator 一定得先安裝 git, apache, mysql, php, php extensions (mbstring, iconv...等)

  • git (usually called "git" in package management systems)

  • Apache (usually "httpd" or "apache2") (or nginx)

  • MySQL Server (usually "mysqld" or "mysql-server")

  • PHP (usually "php")

  • Required PHP extensions: mbstring, iconv, mysql (or mysqli), curl, pcntl (these might be something like "php-mysql" or "php5-mysql")

  • Optional PHP extensions: gd, apc (special instructions for APC are available below if you have difficulty installing it), xhprof (instructions below, you only need this if you are developing Phabricator)

他還有些版本的限制,必需要注意。安裝以上是比較基本的,接下來就是 clone。

$ cd somewhere/ # pick some install directory
somewhere/ $ git clone git://
somewhere/ $ git clone git://
somewhere/ $ git clone git://

clone 下來最好就在 libphutil、arcanist、phabricator 先執行git pull因為我沒有這樣做,多花了一個小時找問題阿...結果根本就不是最新的版本。

另外可以選擇是不是要安裝 APC、XHProf

修改 httpd-vhosts.conf

我的東西大部份都是部屬在 Apache 上這個也不例外。所以我加上 sub domain 相關的參數。

vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd-vhosts.conf
  # Change this to the domain which points to your host.
  # Change this to the path where you put 'phabricator' when you checked it
  # out from GitHub when following the Installation Guide.
  # Make sure you include "/webroot" at the end!
  DocumentRoot /path/to/phabricator/webroot

  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteRule ^/rsrc/(.*)     -                       [L,QSA]
  RewriteRule ^/favicon.ico   -                       [L,QSA]
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$          /index.php?__path__=$1  [B,L,QSA]
          Order allow,deny
          Allow from all

設定完 domain 訪問設定的網址,依照指示要先設定 Mysql。

設定 Mysql

$ cd /somewhere/phabricator/
$ ./bin/config set mysql主機
Set '' in local configuration.
$ ./bin/config set mysql.user mysql帳號
Set 'mysql.user' in local configuration.
$ ./bin/config set mysql.pass mysql密碼
Set 'mysql.pass' in local configuration.

Phabricator upgrade


./bin/storage upgrade
Before running storage upgrades, you should take down the Phabricator web
interface and stop any running Phabricator daemons (you can disable this
warning with --force).

    Are you ready to continue? [y/N] y

Loading quickstart template...
Applying patch 'phabricator:db.conpherence'...
Applying patch 'phabricator:db.token'...
Applying patch 'phabricator:db.releeph'...
Applying patch 'phabricator:db.phlux'...
Applying patch 'phabricator:db.phortune'...
Applying patch 'phabricator:db.phrequent'...
Applying patch 'phabricator:db.diviner'...
Storage is up to date. Use 'storage status' for details.


設定 Admin 帳號

Enter a username to create a new account or edit an existing account.

    Enter a username: admin
There is no existing user account 'admin'.

    Do you want to create a new 'admin' account? [Y/n] Y

    Enter user real name: admin

    Enter user email address: xxx@xxxx

    Enter a password for this user [blank to leave unchanged]:

    Should this user be a system agent? [y/N] y

    Should this user be an administrator? [y/N] y


                OLD VALUE                        NEW VALUE
    Username                                    admin
    Real Name                                    admin
        Email                                    xxx@xxxx
    Password                                    Updated
System Agent   N                                Y
        Admin   N                                Y

    Save these changes? [Y/n] y

Saved changes.


./bin/config set phabricator.base-uri ''
Set 'phabricator.base-uri' in local configuration.
./bin/phd start
Staging launch...
NOTE: Logs will appear in '/var/tmp/phd/log/daemons.log'.

Launching 'PhabricatorRepositoryPullLocalDaemon'...
Launching 'PhabricatorGarbageCollectorDaemon'...
Launching 'PhabricatorTaskmasterDaemon'...
Launching 'PhabricatorTaskmasterDaemon'...
Launching 'PhabricatorTaskmasterDaemon'...
Launching 'PhabricatorTaskmasterDaemon'...


與 Gitlab 串接


ADMINISTRATION > Repositories > Create New Repository


Name: yout project name

Callsign: VCS

Type: Git

Callsign 為什麼是 VCS 因為這邊有相關的設定可以參考。

It is followed by the repository callsign, and then a VCS-specific commit identifier (for SVN, the commit number; for Git and Mercurial, the commit hash)。



Tracking: Enabled

Remote URI

Repository URI: your repository url

Repository Information

Local Path: your project path

Track Only: your want track branches


點選 View in Diffusion 可以看到這個 repository 的各種記錄

若在某一次的記錄 review code 發現有問題都可以在 diffusion > Raise Concern,回報都會有紀錄存在直到消除 Raise Concern。

Sep 14th, 2013 11:09:00am

Last updated

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